
Session on diversity and inclusion by Rashmi Lamba

SCMHRD recently hosted an engaging session on gender and diversity, conducted by Ms. Rashmi Lamba. With over 40 years of experience in film and TV production, advertising, and event management, Ms. Lamba brought invaluable insights and sparked meaningful discussions. This event was hosted by Mr. Rohan Kaushal.


Session on Road Safety

The enlightening session on Road Safety was conducted virtually by Mr. Pankaj Singh. It was an incredible privilege of students to have Mr. Singh share his expertise and knowledge and the invaluable insights he provided. The session on road safety was eye opening and Mr. Singhs extensive experience in the field of road safety, combined with his comprehensive understanding of traffic regulations provided students with a wealth of practical knowledge.


Empowering Student Well-being: Symbicare Session at Symbiosis - A Journey Towards Health and Balance

Symbiosis is a home to more than 1000+ students. The institute and the students have responsibilities for each other. Symbicare was one of the sessions where students were guided by the various representatives from Symbiosis International University.


Day 2 of Induction Week for the MBA Cohort of 2024-2026 at SCMHRD Pune: A Deep Dive into Academics

The second day of the induction week, for the incoming MBA cohort of 2024-2026 at SCMHRD Pune, was filled with knowledge and information


A Warm Welcome: SCMHRD Induction Ceremony 2024

The induction ceremony was the perfect start to our academic life, igniting our passion and excitement for the journey ahead. Here's to a bright and successful future at SCMHRD!

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