
Blog on Campus Administrator Session

On June 11, 2024, the campus administrator of Symbiosis Infotech Campus, Colonel S. K. Mishra, who previously served as an army officer in the Indian military, also had roles as an educator and engineer within the Indian Army. He has experience in key areas such as general management, human resources, and supply chain management.

He conducted a virtual tour of the campus and explained the culture and regulations at Symbiosis infotech Campus (SIC).

He began his speech by welcoming all the students and highlighting his confidence in their potential. He outlined the meeting's agenda through a PowerPoint presentation, which was both informative and visually engaging for the students.

During the presentation, the students learned extensively about the infrastructure of the Symbiosis Infotech Campus. Colonel Mishra shed light on the various departments, amenities, services, buildings, facilities, internal committees, events, celebrations, and procedures available to the students at the SIC.

Additionally, the students were introduced to the organizational structure and key timings at the SIC. Colonel Mishra, with his encouraging tone, reminded the students of the rules they must adhere to within the academic block, hostels, and as representatives of the SIC when off-campus.

To end his presentation, he offered words of encouragement to the students and played a video titled "Beauty of Mathematics," showcasing the fun and interesting aspects of mathematics. The students were visibly impressed by the video.

In his concluding remarks, he briefly reviewed the rules and emphasized their importance for the students' safety and the maintenance of a positive and supportive environment. He ended his speech by saying, "Attitude is everything. Always maintain a positive attitude; it will lead you to great places."


  • Session