
IIRF B-School Ranking 2021

SCMHRD is one of the leading B-schools in India renowned for producing world class leaders. The institute believes that wholesome knowledge can be gained through experience and practical learning. The intense academic curriculum is designed such that it prepares students


Creating Successful Management Leaders through Resilience

“MBA courses are designed to shape leaders who are resilient and can evolve through adversity”. – Dr. Pratima Sheorey, Director SCMHRD, Pune Living in an era of transformations, where anticipating ‘what next’ is the key – resilience and agility are two


The Leaders Guide to Best Practices in Employee and Industrial Relations

The term ’employee relations’ signifies an organization’s efforts to manage relationships between employers and employees. An organization with adequate employee relations practices focuses on fair and consistent treatment to all employees to improve their commitment and engagement. Employee behaviour gives


The 2020 HR Outlook Guide: Key Imperatives for Budding HR Professionals

It was not a long time ago when people questioned the relevance of the HR department in an organization. However, with the progression of time, businesses, as well as employees, have finally recognized the strategic value of HR in improving
