
Blog on road safety session by Mr. Pankaj Singh

On June 15, 2024, Mr. Pankaj Singh, vice president and head of Adani Cements' corporate safety unit and an ardent proponent in workplace safety, joined all of us students seated in the SIC auditorium via Zoom Call to discuss the topic of road safety.

Starting out, he expressed gratitude to the SCMHRD administration for addressing this topic, pointing out that as professionals, all of us students would have significant obligations that require knowledge of road safety.

He stated that while India is making great strides in space exploration, architecture, and infrastructure, the country's road safety is in terrible shape. Thus, he said that it's a responsibility of all of us to help improve this condition.

He clarified that we shouldn't assume that we are unaffected by the traffic accidents that occur in India since they are not directly related to us. We can all be harmed by this kind of ignorance because, on occasion, we may find ourselves in the same situation when driving.

He had prepared a very visually appealing and informative presentation which he presented in front of all of us. The presentation equipped us students with an expanded awareness of the situation by featuring a variety of eye-opening data related road safety accidents.

He outlined his steadfast conviction that human behavior, not divine intervention or dumb luck, is solely responsible for traffic safety accidents. And these accidents happen by choice and not chance, the choice of not adhering to the traffic rules.

According to his belief, the majority of traffic safety accidents can be prevented if everyone complies with traffic laws, such as those pertaining to speed limits, lanes, signals, seatbelts, helmets, alertness and consciousness while driving, and refraining from driving after intoxication. He described an incident that had happened to him and how, in that instance, using a seatbelt prevented him from getting hurt.

He touched upon several recent incidents concerning road safety that made headlines and how they could have been prevented. He emphasized on the dos and don'ts that we should abide by when driving or while on the road.

He gave a brief summary of all he had discussed before calling the session to a close and wished the students success with their futures.


  • Session