
"From Challenges to Connections: SCMHRD's Outbound Learning Experience Fosters Growth and Unity"

We embarked on a new path towards the future in the hidden corners of Hinjewadi Pune. Our journey consisted of various steps, both significant and small, starting from organized institutional processes to a flexible and vibrant environment that allowed our creativity to flourish. As participants of the SCMHRD BA & IDM Induction Programme, we were fortunate to take part in a one-day Outbound Learning Programme at Surya Shibir, Varasgaon, Pune. This experience enabled us to connect with our fellow colleagues and establish meaningful relationships. We were fortunate to have a beautiful weather as well as ensuring a couple of events in the day, which are as follows:
The Zesty Zumba Experience
We were greeted with a delectable breakfast and an array of captivating sights and sounds. Observing each participant in their unique mood, we proceeded to an enjoyable Zumba session. The enthusiastic DSRW team skillfully orchestrated the activities, breaking down our inhibitions and fostering unity among us. Their infectious energy surpassed our own, lifting our spirits. The session also served as a warm-up to prevent any potential injuries. We chuckled at the amusing songs and laughed at our own uncoordinated movements. The volunteer peers added an extra touch of excitement to the already vibrant atmosphere.
Hoop Challenge and the Untangling Activity
Once infused with enthusiasm, we came together for upcoming tasks designed to push us beyond our comfort zones. Initially, we engaged in a small activity where we formed pairs and eventually joined groups of random strangers. These unfamiliar faces quickly became the highlight of the day. The activity began with a hoop-balancing exercise. Groups of thirteen strangers linked hands and attempted to pass the hoop from the last person to the first. It was reminiscent of a gymnastics routine for some, while others persevered, ensuring the safety of their limbs. The scene unfolded with comical errors and mishaps. Next, we intertwined our hands in a complex manner and endeavored to untangle ourselves with the coordinated support of everyone involved. This exercise made us acutely aware of our body's joints and their movements.
The Blind Trust Challenge
From juggling our arms to entrusting our blindfolded partners, this activity tested our integrity. Initially, one person guided their partner, and then the roles were reversed halfway through. We learned that communication goes beyond mere words; support and judgment are essential elements of our journey together. Navigating bumpy paths and steep inclines instilled empathy for the blind and fostered a sense of gratitude. The person extending their hand or steadying our shoulder to prevent a fall wasn't limited to our designated partner but extended to anyone nearby. Our batch demonstrated remarkable compassion, proving the adage, "A friend in need is a friend indeed."
Creativity Blossoms
Finally, we tapped into our inner designers to transform waste into art. Armed with just a newspaper, stapler, and pair of scissors, we collected additional materials from the surrounding nature. It was a creative endeavor to express our unique perspectives on the world. Many themes emerged, focusing on nature, conservation, and wildlife, among others. Our sensitivity and empathy for the world we inhabit shone through. Undoubtedly, we are the generation of change. Our hard work paid off as we indulged in diverse culinary delights from across India. We grew closer as a collective entity, and the day concluded with an inspirational speech from the Director and Deputy Director. The blue skies, lush greens, and radiant smiles became a promise of bright beginnings. .

  • motivation