
Report on Induction Session by Mr. Vivek Parate on Business Analytics Career Opportunities

On the fourth day of induction, Mr. Vivek Parate, an esteemed alumnus of SCMHRD and Senior Manager at Veritas Technologies, conducted an enlightening session during the induction week. With over 17 years of experience in delivering software solutions across diverse industries, Mr. Parate provided invaluable insights into the evolving careers in Business Analytics.

The session commenced with Mr. Parate elucidating the concept of Business Analytics through practical examples, one of the examples he gave was about how an apple watch collected health statistics from a user and detected that he was having a heart attack. He spoke about how all the business is moving to the tech side, highlighting the pivotal role of technology in reshaping traditional paradigms.

Mr. Parate dedicated a significant portion of the session to exploring the myriad career opportunities in Business Analytics. He stressed the importance of selecting the right domain, showcasing its application across diverse sectors such as sports, finance, and supply chain management. Furthermore, he delineated the roles of domain experts and technical experts within the field, ranging from sports analysts to AI/ML engineers.

The session also delved into the multifaceted role of analytics in facilitating informed decision-making, trend identification, operational efficiency, risk management, and financial analysis and forecasting. Mr. Parate underscored the indispensability of analytics in harnessing the vast troves of data prevalent in the contemporary business landscape.

An overview of the data flow in business analytics was provided, encompassing data collection, cleaning, preprocessing, transformation, modeling, and analysis. Mr. Parate also elucidated the diverse tools employed in these processes, including SQL, SaS, and Matlab.

The session concluded with an interactive Q&A session, wherein Mr. Parate addressed students' queries, providing nuanced insights and clarifications on various aspects of business analytics.

In conclusion, Mr. Vivek Parate's session proved to be a highly informative and insightful initiation into the realm of Business Analytics. His comprehensive overview of career opportunities, coupled with practical examples and expert insights, undoubtedly provided the students of SCMHRD with valuable guidance as they embark on their academic and professional journeys.


  • Session